Medical Humor

Medical humor is the ability to make light of serious subjects in order to promote better patient care. It is a delicate balance between making a topic accessible and mocking it. There are three approaches to delivering medical humor: self-deprecating, other-enhancing, and self-enhancing. This article explores some of the theory behind this type of humor and offers some guidelines for achieving this goal.

Humoral theory

Humoralism, the medical theory that the body is a microcosm of the universe, continued to flourish in both ancient and modern medicine. It was an enduring philosophy that was applied to mental illness until the mid-19th century. However, by the early 20th century it had lost much of its explanatory power.

Hippocrates, a Greek physician from the 5th century BCE, first formulated a humoral theory. He emphasized the importance of keeping the human body in balance. The theory also explained the human temperament.

In ancient … Read more

Maintaining a Healthy Woman Body

A healthy woman body is an important part of reproduction. After all, women nurture life and most of us would love to have children. Therefore, it is crucial for women to protect their reproductive health. Regular breast examinations at home and regular checkups are essential for maintaining a healthy body. Read on to learn more about maintaining reproductive health. Also, make sure to watch your menstrual cycle closely. Keeping track of your body and eating right is important for overall health.


Obesity occurs when your calorie intake exceeds your body’s ability to use it. Your body is designed to burn fuel and stores extra calories as fat. But when you eat more calories than you burn, your body will store them as fat, which is hard to lose. You can counteract this by changing your lifestyle, changing your diet, and engaging in physical activity. Obesity increases your risk for … Read more

Health is Wealth – Is it a Hindrance or a Help to Your Success?

Health is wealth – is it a hindrance or a help to your success? Health is the most important wealth, yet we often overlook its importance. Health is a combination of physical, emotional, and social well-being. A healthy body is the foundation of a prosperous life, and is the gift of God.

Health is wealth – and should be cherished. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of keeping yourself healthy.

Health is a priceless gift from God

The most valuable gift of nature is good health. People with good health are able to live happy, successful, and meaningful lives. People with poor health cannot do anything meaningful and productive. People with good health are able to do the hard work and accomplish whatever they want to do. They also give others comfort and happiness. Health is the greatest gift we can receive from God. So, how do we obtain … Read more

Healthy Lifestyle Tips For Students

One of the most important healthy lifestyle tips for students is getting enough sleep. Not only does lack of sleep contribute to stress and anxiety, but it can also affect your overall health.

Your body needs rest to function properly, so make sure you get enough hours of sleep every night. Of course, it is natural to stay up late after a long day or night, but you should not make it a habit. Another common cause of stress for students is the fear of failure, which can make you feel anxious and stressed.

Limiting alcohol consumption

Research on alcohol consumption among university students has demonstrated the detrimental effect it can have on student health. Although a large proportion of students do not drink alcohol at all, only 3% of college students regularly consume five or more standard drinks. This includes both male and female students. However, a significant proportion … Read more

Funny Health Facts

If you’ve ever had a medical emergency, you’ve probably heard some funny health facts, but did you know that a shark’s cornea can save your life? And did you know that laughing can reduce stress? There’s more! Read on to learn more about these fun facts. And if you’re in a bad mood, try laughing! Listed below are some of the most ridiculous health facts – and the most important ones!

Right-handed people live nine years longer than left-handed people

A new study has found that right-handed people are less likely to die in accidents than left- handers. Researchers at the University of Buffalo, Canada, analyzed data from nearly 1,000 deaths and found that right-handed people are three to nine years younger than left-handers in vehicular accidents, industrial accidents, and other causes of death. The researchers attribute the dramatic difference between the two hand types to the design of vehicles, … Read more