Ever since the invention of mobile phones, this technological wonder has never looked back. Starting from the first ever chunky, heavy cell phones with the minimum possible features and functionalities to the high-end phones with mind-boggling features called smart phones available these days, cell phones have always caught on with the public. Their easy accessibility, their affordability, the snazzy new features which appeal to both aesthetic users and tech-savvy consumers and the rapidly advancing cellular technologies which have resulted in more advanced cell phones have increased their demand in the consumer market everyday. Every time, a mobile phone manufacturing brand has come out with a new model, the public has desired it and has gone out and bought it. And very soon, when the brand replaces this particular model with another high-end superior model, people have also followed suit.
The companies have no doubt profited from this process and have generated millions of units of revenues. But the question is how has the public been benefited by cell phones in the long run? No doubt, cell phones have brought the world closer to home; but they have also affected the public health adversely on a global scale.
If you are partly aware of how mobile phones work, then you will know that they use electromagnetic radiations, which are in the microwave range. It has been suggested by many medical professionals on the basis of worldwide survey, observation and experiments that these rays cause many health hazards in both humans and animals the most speculated amongst them being brain tumor, hearing impairments, Alzheimer’s disease, heart and kidney diseases, some short-term problems like tissue overheating affecting sleep cycles, blood pressures, heart rates etc. The long-term effects include brain tumor mostly. Also it is a widely known and accepted fact that drivers using cell phones while driving are at a greater risk of losing their lives on road.
Researches are being conducted all over the world, by cell phone brands, hospitals, governments, NGOs etc to determine the extent of damage to the public health that cell phones cause. Many researches claim that radiations do no affect the users in the long run while many researchers state that the level of radiations to which one is exposed to must be controlled discreetly. Although the WHO or World Health Organization has stated on the basis of research reports that cell phones do no cause cancer in the long run, still experts at radiation authority centers advise people to get exposed to radiations as little as possible.